Disease does not Recognize Boundaries: Improving Animal Health and Human Opportunity across Species and Around the World.
Bryan Slinker
Dean, Department of Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience Washington State University
Scribe: Bob McKorkle Introduced by: Kit Bowerman
President Elect Paul Chapman filling in for President Wendi brought the meeting to order.
Invocation& pledge: The meeting started with Jim Gordon giving the invocation and leading the pledge.
Introduction of visitors and guests: Scott Sadler did the greetings in typical BBRC style.
Steve Peters, committee chair of major grants presented a faux check for $7500 to the Eastside Baby Corner. They supply the needy with everything from food formula to school supplies. They have a 26 year history in the area. They will use this money to help with their expansion into Bothell. Steve assured them they would get the real check.
Chris Boland gave his classification talk. Chris is a transfer from another club and also a past Assistant District Governor. He grew up in Eastern Washington and attended WSU. He intended to go into marketing but got sidetracked into sales. He and a partner formed their own company MerCom. They do marketing by giving away free stuff. Could we have our first would be politician? He led a game of heads or tails. There were no fines so the members enjoyed it.
John Dewater interviewed Paul Chapman so the club could meet the new president. The interview got off to a rough start because John thought Paul was a deep sea diver. The questions had little to do with Paul’s real occupation as a real estate portfolio manager. It was entertaining but at least one member thought it could have been deep-six’d.
Mike Ralph made an impassioned plea for the club to step up the pace to get runners for the Race for Autism. It seems we are a little behind with only 15 days left. The message to the club was that it is time to step up.
SAA Tim Leahy celebrated Master’s weekend with an Augusta putting contest. It provided a lot of entertainment but not a lot of money. The members may want to go on the tour.
Kip Bowerman introduced the speaker: Bryan Slinker who is Dean of the Department of Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience at WSU.
His talk was a fascinating mixture of animal and human medicine and how they interact. Great strides are being made in treating human diseases because of advances in animal medicine. He gave many examples of treatments that have resulted from this crossover.
They also study animal behavior in an effort to learn about human health concerns. One example was the hibernation of bears. They eat themselves morbidly obese before hibernation with no ill effects. Imagine the breakfast line if they can figure that one out.
He touched on global animal health. WSU got a large grant from the Gate’s Foundation to work on this. The ownership of animals goes along way to eliminating poverty for the family. The health of that animal becomes very important to that family.
The last point was the war on rabies. Rabies is not given a lot of thought in the rich world but is a problem in Africa, affecting both animal behavior and human health.
Paul brought the meeting to a close as usual with the thought for the day courtesy of Groucho Marx: Outside the dog, the book is man’s best friend. Inside the dog is too hard to read.