"Updates in Structural Heart Disease - What This means for you!"
Dr. Sameer Gafoor
Medical Director of Structural Heart Disease Swedish Heart and Vascular, Seattle
Scribe: John Uppendahl Introduced by: Bob Holert
Speaker Program Notes
Dr. Sameer Gafoor, CVC Frankfurt, Germany and Swedish Heart and Vascular spoke about updates in structural heard disease – what it means fro you.
- 610,000 people die of heart disease every year – ¼ of deaths.
- Leading cause of death for men and women.
- 735,000 Americans have a heart attack
- 71.4% of them have a first heart attack
- Early action is critical at first signs of attack because minutes matter.
What are the different types of heart disease?
- Coronary artery disease – vessels that surround the heart.
- Arrhythmia – electrical problems
- Congestive heart failure – overall pump problem
- Congenital heart disease –blockages, bypass surgery and/or stents help repair issues
Recovery after open heart surgery
- Requires cracking the chest – “sternotomy”
- First three months
- Avoid activities that strain your chest or upper arm muscles; bicycle riding, outdoors, jogging, weight lifting or heavy aerobic excersise.
Recovery after stenting?
- Walk day of or after procedure
- Can go through the arm or leg
Percutaneous therapy for coronary artery disease
- Through the skin, uses a catheter
Issues with surgery
- Open sternotomy
- Bypass circulation with a pump
We will be adding his full Power Point presentation which includes some cool videos and lots of useful information for everyone.
Club Business
Board Elections 2016-17
Voted unanimously in today by a general vote of the membership:
Past President: Paul Chapman
President: Mike Ralph
President-Elect: Kaj Pedersen
International Service: Fred Jansen
Public Relations: Chris Boland
Comm service: Adam Milhstin
Club Administration: Tracy Tenhulzen
New Generations: Alexandra Chehab
Treasurer: Jonathan Hera
Rotary Foundation: David Bolson
Sergeant At Arms: Sheldon Sweeney
President Elect Nominee: Morris Kremen
How We Laughed!
Carmela and Chris provided light relief from the pressures of voting with a skit on Club Announcements. Evidently ANYONE can post ANYTHING on the website (four way test, people – four way test….!)