"Thank You for Being Present!"
Mildred Jammer
Co-Founder Life On, Cell Off
Editor: Bob Holert Introduced by: Chris Boland
After the meeting was opened by President Chris Boland, John Schwager gave his version of the invocation and led the flag salute while Tom Leonidas introduced the guests. Dennis Newell reminded us the BBRC retreat is scheduled for May 3 – 4 at Port Ludlow and there were only a few rooms left.
For the AI4A Walk / Run, Colleen Turner reminded us we need additional participants, both runners and walkers. Dustin Walling then encouraged us to get more volunteers for this BBRC event which will be held Sunday, April 28, 2019.
Jeff Cashman presented Rotary Foundation awards to Alan Pratt and Alan Forney for their donations – thank you guys! Chris Boland gave a report on BBRC and Sergeant of Arms Carmela Ramaglia ended the business portion of the meeting with her Happy Bucks segment!
Chris Boland then introduced Mildred Jammer and Sonja Gerard of Life On Cell Off (Lo.Co) and Mildred’s discussion “Thank You for Being Present”. Mildred is the Founder of Lo.Co and they are celebrating their first year in operation. She is passionate about connecting people and their mission is to encourage people to connect with others and get away from their devices. Get out and talk with people, use your imagination and dream! She mentioned one child who when asked to use their imagination did not know the meaning of “imagination”!
What is Life on Cell Off? “Our movement is simply to encourage you and others to go Lo.Co (Life On. Cell Off) for a short while each day, hopefully to make your life and the lives of those around your life and the lives of those around you more meaningful through conversation and acts of kindness.”
During the presentation, Mildred discussed the importance of spending more time with friends and family. She encouraged us to take time to talk with those sitting next to us and share what is happening in our lives. She calls it “Taking a little time to go Lo.Co” and hopes over time this term becomes a recognized brand.
Mildred also gave us some statistics – 94% have cell phones; on average we spend 4 hours every day on that phone; and check it 150 times. The question we all have to ask ourselves – “Is that all there is?” Or should we be present? Let’s be Present!